The present Privacy Policy, issued in accordance with art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR"), aims to illustrate the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data carried out by I.D. TECH S.r.l., based in Bologna, Via degli Ortolani, 3, as the data controller (hereinafter referred to as the "Controller"), through the site (the "Site").
The processing of user data will be carried out in full compliance with the current regulations on personal data protection.
The Holder reserves the right to update the Privacy Policy at any time and notify users through the use of the most appropriate tools.
It is possible to contact the Holder to request any additional information at the email:
The Site is configured in such a way as to minimize the collection or use of identifiable user data, excluding processing in all cases where the intended purposes can be achieved through other means.
To avoid any doubt, it is necessary that this Privacy Policy is considered referred to and applicable only to the Site, without extending to the pages or sites accessible through links and/or managed by third parties.
Therefore, users are invited to review the privacy policies for a more detailed understanding of the treatments carried out through such third-party sites.
Personal data is processed by the Holder within the limits and only for the purposes of providing services accessible on the Site, in particular for:
- allow users to learn and delve into, through navigation on the Site, the activities developed and the services and products offered by the Holder;
- respond to requests sent by users;
- monitor the proper functioning of the Site.
Automatically collected data from the Site
The computer systems and procedures acquired that enable the operation of the Site, in the course of its normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet Transmission Control protocols.
These are pieces of information that are not collected to be associated with unique individuals, but by their nature could, through processing and associations with data acquired from third parties, allow for identification.
This category of data includes, for illustrative purposes, the IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the relative time, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server's response (successful result, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computing environment.
The Site, to facilitate the browsing experience of users, uses cookies.
Cookies are small text strings that websites visited by the user send to the computer and any device used to access the Internet (such as smartphones and tablets), where they are stored to be retransmitted to the same sites on the user's subsequent visit.
Cookies can be stored permanently and have a variable duration (i.e. persistent cookies), but they can disappear when the browser is closed or have a duration (i.e. session cookies). Likewise, cookies can be installed by the site being visited (i.e. first-party cookies), but also by websites (i.e. third-party cookies) and can be used for different purposes, such as executing computer authentications, session monitoring, and storing information related to the activities of users accessing a specific site.
Based on the purpose of use, it is possible to distinguish the cookies installed on the Site into the following categories: technical cookies, functionality cookies, and analytical cookies.
Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and to provide the user with smooth and uninterrupted navigation (e.g. to allow maintaining access to reserved areas for the entire duration of the user's stay on the Site), as well as to correctly provide the services that the user requests during their navigation.
These are therefore tools used by the Holder to ensure, for example, efficient navigation, session stability, the persistence of the log-in, and the pre-selection of the selected browsing country. They also serve to remember the selections made by users regarding the display of certain elements on the page, such as informative and communication banners.
As already indicated, the use of technical cookies and the development of treatments related to them do not require the user's consent. The legal basis that allows the processing of the related data is therefore the execution of services requested directly by the data subject (Art. 6.1, b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - 'GDPR').
Functionality Cookies
These cookies are solely intended to improve and speed up navigation on the Site by memorizing certain choices made by the user (such as preferences related to language, those related to user authentication for the duration of the session, or those related to the use of multimedia content on the site). Being installed in response to services directly requested by the user, these cookies do not require the user's consent. For this reason, they will be treated by the Holder in the same way as technical cookies.
However, we note that in some limited cases, for example when the functionality of the cookie exceeds the duration of the user's browsing session, the user may be required to activate the cookie through a positive action, such as selecting a "flag" (e.g. the functionality that allows remembering the user's access credentials), so that the choice can be remembered for a subsequent visit to the Site by the user.
Analysis Cookies
For this specific type of cookies, the user must express their consent. In particular, through third-party cookies, information is collected about how users use the Site (number of visits, pages visited, time spent, conversions, etc.).
This information is used by the Holder, in particular, to improve the functionalities of the Site, allowing for example to record any errors reported by users and to ensure them, therefore, a smoother and more immediate navigation. By collecting data only in a global manner, so that users cannot be identified, these cookies are equated to techniques. However, in the case where cookies are implemented in correlation with other functionalities that do not allow for the exclusion of potential identifications of the interested party, their installation will be subject to the prior consent of the user.
This Site does NOT use Analytical Cookies.
The user can also manage cookies directly through the browser settings, according to the methods indicated in the following links:
• Internet Explorer
• Mozilla Firefox
• Google Chrome
• Apple Safari
• Opera
Other rules to prevent the installation of cookies on the user's device consist of the possibility to: i) reject third-party cookies by default by taking advantage of some features of those browsers; ii) activate the 'Do Not Track' option (automatic interruption of the collection of some browsing data) available in most modern browsers; iii) activate the 'incognito mode'.
It should be noted, however, that disabling cookies could complicate navigation or prevent moving freely from one page to another, making the most of all the features of the Site.
Data voluntarily provided by the user
The sending of any personal data by the user such as, for example, name, surname, or email address, leads to the inevitable acquisition of the same by the Holder and its subsequent processing to respond to the requests received and/or to provide the requested service.
Therefore, users who prefer to avoid the collection of their own data by the Holder are asked not to submit any requests, or to provide the minimum number of personal data possible.
All personal data is primarily processed through electronic tools and modalities; however, processing through paper-based means will not be excluded a priori.
The treatment will be carried out exclusively by individuals duly authorized in writing by the Holder, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation. The same data will be stored in a way that allows for the identification of the user for the strictly necessary time to achieve the objectives of the purposes so that this data that was originally collected and, in each case, within legal limits.
No data will be subject to dissemination or communication to third parties, unless based on the express and specific consent of the interested party or if it is necessary to provide a service requested by the interested party.
It is understood that users' personal data may be communicated to third parties, such as law enforcement, whenever requested by a legislative provision or by the order of a competent authority.
The Owner will adopt all necessary security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data itself, unauthorized access, or processing that is not permitted or not compliant with the purposes indicated in this document.
The Holder will adopt all necessary security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the same data, unauthorized access, or non-consensual processing, not in accordance with the purposes indicated in this document.
In addition, the interested party has the right to request, in accordance with current legislation:
- Access, update, rectification, or, when applicable, integration of the data;
- the cancellation, the anonymization, the blocking of the processed data or the limitation of the processed data or the limitation of the processing;
- the opposition to the processing of one's personal data;
- file a complaint with the Defender for the Protection of Personal Data.
The aforementioned rights may be exercised at any time, freely and without difficulties, by sending the relevant request to the Holder at the following email address: